Sunday, October 28, 2012

☟The Most Creepiest Thing Ever ( 100% True, happened last night)☟

I was at a halloween party/sleepover. After the boys left, the girls stayed and we all had a sleepover. The owner put on Nightmare on Elm St., (the old 1980s version,) It wasn't real scary as I look back, (I was a total baby when it was on XD) so we all ate Doritos, Popcorn, etc. A cluster of girls were all safe in this little cocoon (I wasn't alloud in), so me, the owner, and my other friend sat on the couch...with a window open....right next to the tv....and I was the closest to the window. We got pretty far into the movie, the doctors were by the brown haired girl when she was having some spasm. Yatta, yatta, yatta, the owner, and another girl fell asleep. While they were alsleep, we watched Mrs. Doutfire. Then, everyone was asleep but me and the friend on the couch. We wern't alloud to sleep on the couch, so we slept on the floor (which scared me even more) Then, finally @ 12:34, my friend was alseep, and I was utterly.....alone..... I closed my eyes and stuffed my face into the pillow. I heard a faint bang, looked up for a second, tryed to sleep, heard a boom, looked up, and tryed to sleep, then, about the 5th time this happened, I ignored it, and fell asleep. I dremped of a white light with a black background. And Freddy's claw went cling clank, and the light  shined on Freddy's burnt face, and he slowly walked towards me, and thats it, I woke up, and it was 9:00, and all my friends were awake. I went home, and was looking for something in my bad and found a big, red scratch on my arm. ☟Here is a pic of it☟

Sorry it looks really faint, my camera cannot take HD pictures, but it is really dark red. This other girl told me that her friend watch a movie like that and woke up the next morning with a real big rip in her shirt. ☟Some Videos on what the freak scared me like heck on☟

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